Thursday, February 25, 2021

Inklings Link-Up~February 2021

I wasn't sure all that Heidi was doing if she was going to be able to do Inklings this month, but here it is and I'm happy for that : ) It's been a crazy couple of months with participating in four blog parties and writing a sum total of 15 posts (including the tags). So it's relaxing to get back to some creative writing!

Here are my other Inklings Posts

1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt.

2. Link-back to Heidi's blog in the comments section with a link to you Inklings prompt.

February Prompt

A snow scene in book or film

Snow plays an important role in Beauty and The Beast. As with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, snow is represented as a curse. To cut people off and keep them closed inside. However, it can also have another meaning. Snow can represent the journey of uncovering and discovery. The old adage "what is hidden in the snow shall come forth in the thaw," has a great deal of truth in it; and no story does that better that the beloved tale of a prince hidden within a beast and was brought out by a beautiful woman.  

In both the animated and live action films, Belle and the Beast are trapped in the castle surrounded by snow and wind. When they are finally free to get outside into the sunlight, they are able to get a better understanding of one another. In the live action film, this is fleshed out more as you see them walk across the bridge and Belle reading poetry out loud. Sitting in the colonnade discussing their own private matters and of course, the famous snowball fight scene. 

Surrounded by the beauty of the white falling snow, Belle and the Beast begin see what wasn't there before. Or it was there, but they simply hadn't tried looking. As the snow melts, the Beast reveals a truly humane and generous nature. Belle's former prejudice and anger slowly dissipates as she fights her feelings for this beast who respects and values her as an educated and free thinking woman. 


  1. It's a bit of an unpopular opinion, but I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Ah, your descriptions and thoughts on these are always so well written and eye opening, even when I've seen the movie countless times! Wow, this is making me happy. Perfect choice for the prompt.

    1. We may be in a small minority, but this movie is awesome! I loved everything about it!

      Thank you! Sometimes I think I tend to look 'to much' into things, but at the same time I like to discover aspects that maybe others wouldn't have noticed.

  2. Ooh, this is a choice of a scene! You describe it so well.

  3. I thought this scene was super cute.
    Love the new look!

    1. Belle getting the snowball in the face is one of my favorite scenes : )

      Thank you!


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