Thursday, December 30, 2021
Getting on Board with Il Volo
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Spider-Man: No Way Home
The 3rd movie in a trilogy usually wraps up our protagonist's story. However, in the case of Peter Parker, the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Avenger and former protégé of Tony Stark, the trials and triumphs of his life are never really over. The sad thing about Peter is because he's so young and so hopeful and just given his genuine personality, he has never really been tempted to engage with the darker and evil aspects of human nature. Peter doesn't have a malicious bone in his body. His heart and mind are completely giving toward others. And that is where Peter's demise comes in. He never sets out on the path of evil, but his frequent desire to do the good thing regardless of the cost will always be Peter's primary flaw.
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Currently: Fall 2021
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Goodreads Reviews: The Eleventh Horn: The First Book in the Maccabee Series
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
There is a space of time in the history of the Jews known as 'the time of silence.' This is the unwritten history that separates Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew, the first book of the New Testament. However, this time period was hardly quiet. After the release from the captivity of the Babylonians and the journey back to the Promise Land, the Israelites eventually found themselves under the control of another powerful heathen force. The Greeks. Cunning, brutal, hedonistic and unmerciful. As with all other enemy forces that have held the Israelites, the Greeks show no regard or respect toward the Jews and their God. Their higher powers seek to dominate and destroy all that the Israelites hold dear, even if it means the blood shed of thousands.
During these dark years of suffering and sorrow, a faithful father and noble priest stood against the might of the Greek Empire, even if it may have meant his death. This one act of rebellion done for the love of his God, would stir the hearts and souls of his people and his own sons. Most notably his second oldest, Judah, whose skill with weapons, knowledge of warfare and superior battle skills earns him the nickname, 'Maccabee' or 'the Hammer.'
All his life Judah knew he wanted to fight. Yet, as the son of the High Priest, Judah is expected to follow in his father's footsteps and study as a scholar. However, Judah frequently bears witness to the subjugation from the Greek conquers and their infiltration into the lives of the Jews. His cousin renounces his life as a Jew when he believed the Greeks to be more culturally advanced and open minded. The senseless murders of entire towns and frequent rapes of young Jewish virgins that result into forced marriages to their Greek oppressors.'
From the battle encampments to the glittering throne rooms of Greek power, soldiers and politicians alike all want to take Judea of only to crush the stubborn, proud Israelites. With his father's blessing, Judah begins to study and train in the art of proper warfare from his Roman best friend. As the Greeks plan and plot to annihilate the Jews, young Judah forges himself from a young boy into a battle ready warrior. Judah, the son of the High Priest becomes Judah Maccabee, the Hammer rallying the support of his people to wage war against their enemy.
The only thing I knew about Judah Maccabee was that he was the reason that Hanukah is celebrated, but I didn't know the actual history itself. It's a shame that his story never made it into the Bible seeing as there is so much of it that has been preserved and studied. The Eleventh Horn didn't just tell Judah's story, but the stories of all those both Jew and non-Jew who are affected by this time.
Dark, gritty and real, the author did not shy away or coat over the the violence of the Greek persecution and the rape of innocent women. The material is just graphic enough to give you the general idea, but not to the point where you're sick to your stomach either. While it's technically historical fiction, it also gives great historical accuracy to the time as well. So, I also felt like I was learning while I was enjoying the story.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Goodreads Reviews: Wars of the Realm, #3 - Light of the Last
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The finale novel in the Wars of the Realm and the culmination of everything that the angel Validus and the Heavenly Host have prepared for since Christ left Earth. Drew Carter's whole life has been one of unfortunate circumstances. However, his strength of character and desire for justice in a cruel filled world compels him to do good even when the odds are against him. The extraordinary lab explosion that left him temporarily blind, but eventually gifted with hypersensitive senses and reflexes have served him well.
However, he is still the only person who can witness the ongoing war between the alien dark and light warriors that come from another realm. One that he cannot explain, but somehow in the midst of the madness and turmoil, Drew Carter will find the path to understanding who these people are and the reason they seem to be in a constant battle for his life.
Picking up where the Cloak of the Light left off, Drew is apprehended by the FBI, but instead of jail he is sent to a highly secured training facility where he is molded into an 'invisible agent.' Drew is then assigned off the radar missions that the FBI wouldn't dare touch. Throughout all this, Validus is faithful in his promise to protect Drew while bringing together a small contingency of warrior angels who assist him in his task.
The dark invaders are still ruthless in their constant pursuit for Drew Carter. When Drew comes across sensitive information that could be detrimental to not only the United States, but the rest of the world, he must use every resource necessary from science to faith to protect his country. Validus and his small angelic force will raid every corner of the Earth to fulfill a long secreted prophecy and bring to light all that Drew Carter was born to be and the man he is meant to become.
While it has a slow start Light of the Last really wrapped up Drew's exciting story while leaving some unanswered questions that could have been perfect for a companion series. I enjoyed the Wars of the Realm primarily for the characterization of the angels and possibilities of what Heaven might be like. Validus' story alone was so entertaining in his journey from a lowly angel to a well respected commander in the Heavenly Host. And then of course, Drew Carter, our noble hero, who turned the adversity in his life into preparation for both physical and spiritual warfare and the continuation of Biblical prophecy.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
We're in the homestretch now as the saga of Harry Potter and his predestined battle against Voldemort and his forces begins to manifest. However, compared to the predecessor novel, The Order of the Phoenix, which was intensely emotional and dark, The Half-Blood Prince is infinitely lighter (in both story and book size) and returns back to the crazy school days of stressful subjects, Quidditch, the ins and outs of young love, self-discovery and the early stages of real adulting.
Sunday, October 24, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Goodreads Reviews: Wars of the Realm, #2 - Rise of the Fallen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
How did evil enter the world? Who were the angels and archangels? What were their roles? How were demons created? Are there rules and guidelines within the supernatural realms? When did spiritual warfare begin? In Chuck Black's sequel/prequel Wars of the Realm novel, Rise of the Fallen he writes his own ideas of Heaven, angels, demons, Lucifer, Jesus Christ and the 6,000 year war between the light and the dark all within the confines of Biblical text.
Validus, the last born of all angels, bears witness to the greatest events in mankind. From the Creation and eventual Fall of Man, the Tower of Babel and the Great Flood, to the extraordinary life of his beloved friend and king, Jesus Christ and the spreading of his Gospel message that changed the world. However, Validus has also been chosen to fight the ongoing powers of evil, darkness and death at the hands of 'the Fallen.' The 1/3 of angels - including Validus' own friend - that rebelled against God and sacrificed their angelic natures to be made into demonic entities.
Over the centuries, Validus has risen through the ranks of the angelic military hierarchy through his skill and wisdom as he battles the never-ending onslaught of evil. Within these wars, Validus has been tasked to care for a certain bloodline that is believed to serve an immense purpose in the future of spiritual warfare. In spite of his reservations from time to time, Validus remains faithful in his personal quest which ultimately leads him to the life of Drew Carter.
This book was excellent! Of course, we will never actually know what Heaven is like and who angels and demons really are, but that doesn't mean we can't wonder? I love how Chuck Black made the angels so personable with their own doubts and fears. Their love for their creator and humanity and their refusal to submit to the Fallen. The history the starts pre-Creation and extends into our own modern times made for a great and exciting read as you follow Validus' journey through war, peace, love, loss and constant courage and faith.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
10 Relatable Quotes
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix
J.K. Rowling's longest and most exhaustive novel was seriously condensed to one major film storyline. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix is usually the least popular of all the Potter books because it's so long, there's too many storylines and this is really where Harry is at his absolute lowest point. However, this book is also Harry's turning point as well. No longer is he just a student in training, he becomes a teacher and a leader determined to break the rules, fight back and never compromise, no matter the situation.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Friday, September 24, 2021
Father & Son - Thranduil & Legolas
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Sunday, September 19, 2021
A Tolkien Blog Party 2021 - Giveaway and Tag
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Friday, September 10, 2021
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Of all the Potter films this one was probably the most highly anticipated. Goblet of Fire is the turning point in the Potter series. The books cease being about children's mystery adventures in a fantasy world and begins the ultimate battle of good versus evil. Goblet of Fire's book length led to half of the material being cut out of the film and for good reason, most of it wasn't relevant to the film at all. The story was streamlined into one major focal point, Harry Potter and the navigation through his life as The Boy Who Lived.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
World wide Harry Potter hysteria met the 3rd installment of the Harry Potter film franchise. The Harry Potter trio were the most famous teenagers on the planet and were all over the world. Every girl was in love with Daniel Radcliffe and they all wanted to look like Emma Watson. The Prisoner of Azkaban has always been a fan favorite book and the people had high expectations for the film and every expectation was met.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Currently: Summer 2021
Friday, September 3, 2021
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
By the time The Chamber of Secrets premiered shortly before my 12th birthday, the world was in the beginning stages of Harry Potter movie mania. And I was just one of many. I had read most of the books by that point and was absolutely in love with the Hogwarts and the Wizarding World. Chamber of Secrets is my favorite book and film (followed by Prisoner of Azkaban) and is also considered the darkest of the entire series.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
20 years. 20 years ago I sat down and watched this little film and just fell in love with Harry Potter (literally) and the whole Wizarding World. Harry Potter was a wonderful part of my childhood. I'm the same age as the Harry Potter actors and so it was great growing up with them as the films were made. And seeing that today is September 1st, officially known as Back to Hogwarts Day, I thought this would be the perfect start to reviewing the Harry Potter films.
Saturday, August 28, 2021
Goodreads Reviews: Wars of the Realm, #1 - Cloak of the Light
From the time he was twelve years old, Drew Carter has been no stranger to suffering. After his father is killed in Afghanistan in the line of duty, Drew's life has been a constant rollercoaster of tragedy. Yet, for all the negative that Drew deals with, he remains ever focused on his goals and dreams, even when they are taken away at a moment's notice.
In the wake of a terrible accident that left Drew temporarily blind, all that he had witnessed in his life pales in comparison to what he discovers when he receives his sight again. Reflexes that are beyond human comprehension, amplified hearing and perfect eye sight. However, the strangest and most unexplainable of all are the 'invaders' that only Drew himself can see.
Most of these invaders are clothed in black, carry weapons and are always at the center of conflict and danger. Yet, these dark invaders seem to be in constant warfare with another invisible group, also only seen by Drew. Dubbed the light invaders, this second group are young, strong men, wearing all white and whose goals are to protect humankind, not harm it.
What Drew doesn't realize is that his mind and heart have been open to the witnessing of spiritual warfare. A neverending battle between angels and demons who have surrounded Drew Carter and are intent on either aiding or destroying Drew. With danger forever lurking behind him, Drew leaves his family and his life and sets out to find a lost friend and unexpectedly becomes a mysterious hero to the inner-city streets of Chicago.
As a longtime fan of Frank Peretti's Darkness Series I have always had a fascination with the ongoing battle between angels and demons. Both sides are real, powerful and lethal. Unfortunately, shows such as Supernatural have diminished the holiness of angels and brought sympathy to demons. Spiritual warfare should be handled with absolute respect and seriousness, it's not a game. It's life and death. Eternity in either glory or damnation.
I enjoyed this book and the two sequels that followed. Because Drew Carter always seems to draw the short end of this stick, you sympathize with him, while also admiring his courage and perseverance. The angels and demons are shrouded in mystery for the most of the book, but their backgrounds and stories are the focus of the second novel Rise of the Fallen .
My only real problem with the books is that Chuck Black is former military and while he certainly is knowledgeable with fighting and weapons, I could certainly do without having to know every single combat move in a fight or what make and model each weapon was. Either than that, Cloak of the Light was a great start to the Wars of the Realm series. And for anyone who is interested in understanding true spiritual warfare that's written in an honest and understanding way, I highly suggest this series.
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Favorite Music Videos
Celine Dion - Nothing Broken But My Heart
I've loved this song for ages! And you would think for a song like this that the music video would be super melodramatic, however, the fact that it was during a theater dress rehearsal for Romeo & Juliet was such a unique and fun idea.
This isn't the official music video, but I loved the artistry of this one so much more. I don't know what that animation is, but it's stunning. This song reminds me so much of my parents : )
For a song that's title translates to 'Many Misery(ies)' it has a very hopeful message of enduring hope and steadfast faith. The story behind the music video is really up to anyone's interpretation. Every time I watch it, I have new idea as to what the story may be about.
BERA - Long Live
Now this is a video that has artistry! I love the Arthurian legend vibe it has; although, Bera, the musical artist, probably used his own Georgian history as the inspiration. It really has the makings to be a book or a movie.
BERA - I Can See It Now
This is so sweet! And I loved the Bera used his younger brother, Tsotne, as the younger version of himself!
For those who don't know, Bera Ivanishvili, (publicly credited as BERA) is a Georgian musical artist, rapper, song writer, musician and producer. However, he's also received world wide fame due to the fact that he's an albino and probably one of the most beautiful people I've ever laid eyes one! His younger brother is also an albino while the rest of the family do not have albinism. I found out about Bera when I saw his wedding video on Instagram and started to do some research on him. His wife, Nanuka, is beautiful and they have the most adorable son!
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Bera and his brother, Tsotne |
Saturday, August 7, 2021
The Chosen - Seasons 1 & 2
Tuesday, August 3, 2021
A (Long Expected) Tolkien Blog Party
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Gotham (2014-2019)
Friday, July 23, 2021
In Defense of Brie Larson and Captain Marvel
I've defended characters before, but never an actual person. And I never thought that I would be defending Brie Larson of all people. However, after I saw Captain Marvel and ended up enjoying the movie, I began to become a little more open minded to Brie Larson. When Captain Marvel began its promotion tour in 2019, for some unknown reason, I really jumped onto the anti-Brie Larson train. Now, I'm rather ashamed of it. I was running with the crowd and only looking at a one sided, biased view of a woman I didn't even know. Sure Brie made some stupid comments, but did she really deserve all the hate she got? She most certainly did not.
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Fairies: The Myths, Legends & Lore
I had originally picked this book up solely based on the cover. It was so pretty and then when I saw the elegant drawings that accompany the chapters, I had to purchase it. Beyond the exterior Fairies is a mini encyclopedia or really a fantasy guide on the history of all cultural fairy lore. The book is divided into two parts,
Part One - The Fairy Realm which discusses the personalities and characteristics of fairies
Part Two- Fairies from Around the World which takes you from Britain, to Asia, to Africa and even Australia and shares the each cultures own history of fairies.
Most of my growing up I had thought that all fairy legends came from England and the Celts, but I was very surprised to discover that fairies are completely world wide phenomenon's. From the Brothers Grimm to J.R.R Tolkien; from the Jinn in his lamp from Africa and the Middle-East to the Nagini, the snake shape shifter from India, any and all fairy and mythological creature that is in the same category are discussed. I was just amazed by the fount of information the was in this little book and how much it actually covered.
This book was wonderful! Any fantasy and/or fairy lover would enjoy reading Skye Alexander's meticulously researched study of fairyfolk. Fairies can also be useful for any up and coming fantasy writer, seeing there are fairies from other countries I had never even heard of and gives great creative material to use.
Aesthetically, the book is just visually stunning and charming. The lilac colored cover is what initially caught my eye. The pages are filled with traditional drawings taken from old books and paintings. Little bits of information are also inserted into the middle of paragraphs, that range from actual fairy sightings (supposedly) to historical facts that inspired some of the most popular fairytales.
By the way, this is not a kid's book! Sex is brought up quite a few times, so if you're wanting to share this with your little girls, read ahead first to censor some of the adult content that sporadically shows up. Either than that little warning, the book is a great, fun and informative read and really got me interested into Skye Alexander's other fantasy guides for Mermaids and Unicorns as well.
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Black Widow
Saturday, July 10, 2021
The Mummy Returns
Friday, July 9, 2021
Goodreads Reviews: Dearest Josephine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was an interesting read. A romance and a mystery all told through letters, texts, e-mails, and an intriguing manuscript. When Josie de Clare tries to move on from a relationship (that never should have happened), she discovers several old letters and a half written novel from mysterious man who centuries before found himself in love with an equally mysterious woman named Josephine.
Elias Roach, the illegitimate son of an English gentleman has never belonged anywhere or to anyone for that matter. When he meets a lovely woman at a ball, he finds himself immediately drawn to her and her liveliness. However, all he receives from her is her name, Josephine Clare. Afterwards, Elias is determined to find this woman who changed his world in one night and by doing so, reveals an unexpected talent for writing.
The story goes back and forth between the 19th century and modern day. Josie's side is told through numerous texts and e-mails and Elias' through his letters to Josephine and his friends. Then of course, there is the half written novel that is written to try and bring the mystery of Josephine together.
While the story wasn't my favorite, due to historical inaccuracies regarding the modernized style of 18th century dialogue, the concept and how is was told in a hybrid epistolary form was fun to read. Josie gets as caught up with Elias and his story, just as much as Elias gets caught up with Josephine and wondering is she was real or an imagined women who was drummed up from a life on loneliness.
I especially enjoyed how personal the story got on Josie's side; just as you really getting into a good part of a letter or a novel, a text message shows up. Any book lover understands that annoyance! The ending was not what I was expecting, but it was a delightful conclusion that still leaves a little wondering and question asking.