Saturday, June 12, 2021

Loki Premiere

So the show is as bizarre and as crazy as I thought it would be 
and of course, Tom Hiddleston is back in his element.

That SOB was breaking my heart before the end credits.

This confession is less than a minute and yet, Loki is the most honest and raw and real he has ever been. 


  1. Yes! The first episode was so good! I was so close to crying myself with that confession. It was so genuine and fit so well with his character. I can't wait for more!

    1. Episode 1 packed a lot of emotion that is probably going to be needed for Loki's future development.

  2. I was so excited for this, but didn't love it like I thought I would sadly.
    Still happy to see him though.

    1. That's a shame. With some people it takes a few episodes to get into. I was the same way with WandaVision.


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