Monday, October 19, 2020

LOTR Read-Along: The Fellowship of the Ring: A Short Cut to Mushrooms

When one has seen the movies prior to reading the book, it's becoming rather aggravating at how much time is taken up for Frodo to leave the Shire. I understand it's his home and all, but really can we please make some headway on this journey?! A Short Cut to Mushrooms tells of our three travelers as they...well take a short cut through a farmer's land. This farmer has a bad reputation with Frodo who is genuinely afraid of him. However, most of the story is spent with description, after description, after description of landscape, trees, hills, flowers and anything in the natural realm of the Shire.

Upon reaching Farmer Maggot's land, Frodo, Sam and Pippin spend a good deal of time talking and talking and hitting upon subjects that all Hobbits seem to talk about. The absolute oddness of other hobbits, especially those queer Brandybucks from Buckland. However, it's one those queer Brandybucks that end up being the travelers' savior as the Black Riders are closing in on Frodo and the Ring. 

Tolkien really does know how to stretch out a story (unlike Lewis who hits the ground running with Narnia) and I'm wondering exactly was the point behind this chapter and why Farmer Maggot has any relevance at all. I didn't hate the chapter, though. Meeting other hobbits is enjoyable and the characters personalities are beginning to show a great deal more as well. 

Heidi's Question:
  • Do you leave room in your day just for thinking?
Frequently. Maybe a little too much think and not enough acting upon the actual thoughts. 


  1. Hee, hang in there! But seriously, I get what you're saying. Personally, I love the flavor of these early chapters, but there's not a lot of new stuff happening which makes it extraordinarily difficult to write summary posts (um... 'here we get to see the Shire from up top of a hill, now in this one we're trekking across farmland!' ;)). I'll be curious to see what you make of the whole Tom Bombadil development we're going into, but either way we're FINALLY heading into more action-y stuff soon. So yeah, hang in there! ;D <3

    1. We are beginning to get there, after reading A Conspiracy Unmasked and then The Old Forest, which once again is nothing but natural description and natural description.


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