Ok...so I know I'm suppose to be all modest and humble when I'm given an award, but...this is too awesome! After 2 1/2 years of blogging and my hard work on my blog and my writing is FINALLY getting some recognition and appreciation! (I mean I've been on Tumblr for 6 months and I almost have 100 followers). I love every single aspect of my blog, and award or not I always know that my hard work is not wasted : ) Thank you so much Hamlette for your kind consideration! (Interesting news to find out when you're watching the ending battle scene of "The Avengers.")
The Rules:
- When you receive the award, link back to All Things Good and the blog that nominated you, Hamlette.
- Display the award button on your blog
- Answer all twelve questions given in this post (do not make your own questions
- Nominate 8 bloggers (see below)
- Notify them that they have been awarded
The Questions
1.) What made you start blogging?
My love of writing. It actually started back in 2006 on Xanga with a fanfiction that I wanted to write and after that, I was just completely in the world of blogging. I had a couple more Xangas, but I was becoming dissatisfied with the content and so I switched to Blogger instead and I've loved it ever since. Writing has always been my outlet and that's why I have a blog. I can write whenever I want and about whatever I want. I also tend to be very competitive with my writing and seeing as doing movie reviews are very popular with young Bloggers, I get very competitive with my own movie reviews. I always want to have the best and most well written movie review and from what people have told, I'm doing very well. I also love changing my layout and having different themes for my blog, so expect a new layout theme about every month or so.
(BTW, do you like the Arthur and Gwen theme I have for the September layout?)
2.) What is your fashion style?
Whatever is comfy and affordable. I'm not a big shopper...as a matter of fact, I despise clothes shopping. So unless it's something that I've been wanting, don't expect me to make a day of shopping for clothes. My clothing staples are jeans and camisole tops, usually paired with ballet flats and a sweater or light jacket. Because Virginia weather is fairly mild, both staples work all year around.
You can have a look of my favorite styles here.
3.) What is something your followers don't know about you?
In 2007, I wrote a letter to Crown Princess Mary of Denmark congratulating her and husband, Crown Prince Frederik on the announcement of Mary's second pregnancy (Princess Isabella). Several months later, I actually received a reply back from the royal court of Denmark! It was a definite shock for my family and me when I got the letter in the mail! I still have the letter and will try and get some pictures.
![]() |
TRH Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark L-R (Crown Prince Frederik holding Prince Vincent, Prince Christian, Princess Isabella and Crown Princess Mary holding Princess Josephine) |
4.) What are some of your blogging goals?
I normally try not to make goals while I blog, because for me it's all about having fun and being creative, but to meet more people and improve my writing would probably be my top priorities.
5.) Where are your favorite places to shop?
Like I said in question 2 I hate clothes shopping, but I love book and movie shopping. So Barnes & Noble and F.Y.E. is where I am most likely to blow all my money.
6.) What would ideal amount of blog followers be?
I don't have a specific number, but enough to have comments on my posts and that I can comment back and meet new people.
7.) What are your talents?
Writing basically and I'm fairly good at cross-stitch, but that's about it.
8.) Are you a leader or a follower?
I've been raised to believe that you should always be a leader and if you can't, than you're better off alone. So, I try to be a leader when a leader is needed, but to be a follower to a good leader is a way to learn as well.
9.) What is one of your favorite quotes?
That's so hard because I'm such a quote lover!
"But this much I know. When the storm breaks, each man acts in accordance to his own nature. Some are dumb with terror. Some flee. Some hide. And some...spread their wings like eagles and soar on the wind."
~Dr. Dee; "Elizabeth: The Golden Age
10.) Do you have a favorite book or series?
I love book series! My favorite book series are (and always will be) Harry Potter : ). Followed by The Chronicles of Narnia, A Series of Unfortunate Events and The Hunger Games.
11.) Out of all the synonyms for elegant, what would you describe yourself with? (Smart--Stylish--Dressy--Graceful--Dainty--Fine)
Well, dainty and fine are out of the running and gracefulness has always been hard to attain. I would be more stylish if I had the money for it, so smart is the only reasonable description.
12.) What is your favorite flower?
Yellow roses!
Now, I nominate eight bloggers, but I'll do just two.