Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Olivia at Meanwhile in Rivendell tagged me for The Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thank you! It's always fun to get these!


R u l e s:

> > Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog.
> > Thank the person who nominated you.
> > Provide a link to your nominator’s blog.
> > Answer your nominator’s questions.
> > Nominate up to 11 bloggers.
> > Ask your nominees 11 questions.
> > Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, with money being no object and with your friends and family happily moving with you, where would you settle?

- Probably somewhere in either Tuscany, Italy or Normandy, France.

2. What is an obscure book, film, or television series that you wish more people knew and loved?

- Press Gang this show was so ahead if its time and it has every genre element you could hope for in a 45 minute show.

3. Who are five of your favorite musical artists at the moment?

- As always, my top 3 are Sarah Brightman, Celine Dion and Josh Groban. I also love Andrea Bocelli and I've just gotten introduced to Chris Mann.

4. Do you prefer to travel by car or by plane for longer trips?

- I've never traveled by plane, so it would have to be car.

5. Are there any classic authors whom you feel are overrated?

- Oh, that's tough. Maybe Jane Austen? I've tried reading her works, but they just don't click with me.

6. What is your favorite holiday and why?

- Easter. I love the simplicity and joy that always come from Easter.

7. Do you prefer warmer or cooler temperatures?

- I actually enjoy them both, but given where I live, cooler temperatures are preferable. 

8. What are some skills or hobbies that you don't have but wish you did?

- I would love to learn how to draw and dance.

9. What is your favorite animal?

- Otters

10. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Or an afternoon . . . I don't know, crow, let's say?

- Night Owl

11. What are you currently reading?

- The Battle of Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

  The Indigo Girl by Natasha Boyd 

My Questions:

What is your oldest/earliest memory?

What season describes you the best?

Has your life changed in the last year?

What is your biggest life regret?

Can you name either all 7 Dwarves from Snow White OR The 12 Days of Christmas without cheating?(top marks if you can do both)

What are your top 3 comfort films?

What is your ideal job?

What does your perfect weekend look like?

What author would you want to collaborate with?

Do you have a favorite historical figure?

Do you like writing letters to people?


I know I'm suppose to nominate 11 bloggers...but I never do! However I will nominate:

Heidi - Along the Brandywine

And anyone else who wants to join!

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