Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tolkien Party 2024 - Kick-off Tag + Giveaway prizes

The Tolkien Blog Party 2024 has arrived!

Here is where you can review and register for Rachel's beautiful giveaway prizes!


1. The Shire: What place in Middle-earth do you think you would feel the most like home for you?

Bag End

2. Bree: If you could create a Middle-earth-themed restaurant, what would you serve there?

Chocolate chip cookies

3. Rivendell: Where in Middle-earth would you like to hang out with your friends for a week or so?


4. Moria: Have you ever delved into the history of Middle-earth (or the history of Tolkien's creative process)? If so, did you learn anything cool you'd like to share?

Elrond and his family's history

5. Lothlorien: Would you like to sleep in a tree?


6. Edoras: Do you like horses?


7. Minas Tirith: Have you ever dressed as a Tolkien character, whether for a convention or Halloween or anything else? (Bonus fake internet points if you share a photo!)

No, but I've always wanted to

8. Erebor: Do you have any Middle-earth merchandise you particularly treasure?

The movie guides and visual companions I've collected for most of the films

The Hobbit Companion I won in the 2021 Tolkien Blog Party Giveaway

9. Mordor: Have you ever read anything by Tolkien that wasn't about Middle-earth?


10. The Grey Havens: How long has it been since you last ventured into Middle-earth via book or film?

I watched (or started watching) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey yesterday


  1. I love chocolate chip cookies especially if they are soft. I haven't seen any of the Hobbit movies and I probably won't.

    Have a lovely day

  2. I imagine Pippin and Merry would be regulars in your chocolate chip cookie cafe hehe. your movie guide collection is so cool!

    1. They would be the best regulars! Thank you! I've loved collecting them

  3. Elrond's lore is so interesting!


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