Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2024 Tolkien Blog Party

Rachel's annual September Tolkien Blog Party has been announced! 
This is my 5th year attending the party and it's always the highlight of my blogging year.

 Here are my contributions from the previous blog parties
2020 - The Fellowship of the Ring (movie review)
The Two Towers (movie review)
The Return of the King (movie review)

  This year I'm going to do a post about King Thorin

The good, bad and everything in between.
As well as comparing the book character to the movie character.


  1. I love this blog party so much. Can't wait to read your post!


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I love getting comments, long or short, whether you agree with me or not. .

Just be kind. I don't tolerate any rudeness at all. So just be careful with what you write and how you write it.