Monday, September 14, 2020

The Sunshine Blogger Award


Carissa and Olivia both tagged me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

Thank you both!

Sunshine Blogger Award Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Carissa's Questions

What is your favorite hobby?

- Writing and reading

What is the best book you've read so far this year?

- The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper by Hallie Rubenhold. It was a fantastic read and gave a whole new outlook on the women who were ruthlessly killed by London's most notorious serial killer. History has always reported that the victims were all prostitutes and therefore have denied them any sympathy, while lauding the murderer himself as a historic icon. 

However, Hallie's exceptional research uncovers that only one of the women was a prostitute, while the other four were once respectable women who had fallen on hard times. If anything this books finally gives remembrance and honor to these five victims who have been forgotten because society (then and even now) saw them of little importance due to where they were killed, and from the inept investigation on the part of the police. 

What is the worst book you've read so far this year?

- I wouldn't say it's the worst, but probably my least favorite read so far is A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar. While the book was good, there was a great deal in the beginning that wasn't necessary and made the story drag on. 

What is your favorite color and how do you use it in your life?

- Yellow. I find  yellow to be a calming color. It reminds me of life and renewal. 

Do you drink tea and if so, what brand is your favorite?

- Blueberry Lavender from Republic of Tea.

Since we're slowly coming up on the holidays, what is your favorite treat in December?

- As in candy? Oreo truffles.

Do you play board games and if so, what is your favorite?

- Usually I prefer card games, but I do love Clue.

What is your favorite movie that was made during the Hays Code, 1934 - 1968?

- Either The Ten Commandments or Ben-Hur

Who is your favorite singer/group?

- Sarah Brightman

Do you prefer CDs, digital music, or (GASP) vinyl?

- Digital music

What got you started in the blogging realm?

- Writing a Narnia fan-fiction which I'm now editing. 

Olivia's Questions

Is there a particular song that you would show to people if you were trying to explain yourself -- your personality, your heart, your aesthetic, your inner landscape -- in musical form?

- The song that inspired the name of my site

Do you like tattoos or no?

- No!

What is your favorite thing about your favorite holiday?

- 4th of July is my favorite holiday and it's entirely a family holiday. It's just a fun day all around and we have a lot of good memories. 

What non-story-related hobbies do you enjoy?

-Quilling, cross stitch and journalism 

Top three favorite TV shows?

- Leverage, Press Gang and Blue Bloods

What is one thing that the world need more of, in your eyes? (Serious or trivial.)

- Common sense 

What is one thing that the world need less of, in your eyes? (Serious or trivial.)

- Social media and gender reveal parties

Do you need more cool air or more heat when you sleep?

- Cool air

What scents do you tend to love in candles, perfumes, etc.?

- Rose, peach and beach scents

Top three favorite animals?

- Otters, bluebirds and butterflies

Socks or no socks?

- Socks in the winter, barefoot in the summertime

I nominate

My Questions

1. Do you like war films? If so, what are your favorites?

2. Would you rather vacation at the beach, the woods or the mountains?

3. Do you prefer writing by hand or typing on a computer keyboard?

4. What are your favorite soundtracks?

5. Lions, tigers or bears?

6. Is your room usually messy or clean?

7. What is your ideal career?

8. What are your favorite names?

9. What would the name of your biography be?

10. Would you rather have a broken leg or arm?

11. Pizza or burgers?

And anyone else who would like to join!


  1. Haha I don’t get the thing with gender reveal parties - it’s going to be one or the other, where’s the excitement? Thanks for the tag!

    1. Gender reveal parties are so ridiculous and people only do it for attention. And more often than not the excitement and the build up only lead to public disappointment. This is becoming noticeable when people, especially fathers, find out they're expecting a girl and not a boy. I thought it was just me that noticed it, but many people have picked up on the fact that boys are definitely more preference to girls. I hate it.

      You're welcome!

  2. That's so neat that you're writing Narnia fan fiction! I'm going to have to read it now.

    1. I wrote that story 13 years ago! I've just now gotten around to transferring the story from my old fan-fiction account to my AO3 account, which has also allowed me to do some much needed and editing as well.

  3. Peach scents are the best! Great answers.

    1. I had a perfume once called Peach Musk and I loved it! I still have a tiny amount left and I'm so careful with how much I use because it's no longer available.


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