Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Everything Star Wars Blogathon


 It's amazing what you find on other people's blog. Through Olivia's page I came across a Star Wars Blogathon that's being hosted by Eva-Joy and Katie. Star Wars has been a big part of my life since I was a little girl and I've written several Star Wars themed posts - the Originals, the Prequels, The Force Awakens, Star Wars thoughts, Obi-Wan Kenobi character sketch - however, I've always wanted to do an in-depth, more like defense, post about Anakin Skywalker. 

For years, Anakin Skywalker has gotten a bad rap from people and most of the blame was geared toward Hayden Christensen who was only following the directors poorly written dialogue. Being 11 years old when I first saw Attack of the Clones, I -and probably many other teenage girls - fell madly in love with Hayden and his brooding and complex portrayal of Anakin Skywalker. So maybe it's my childhood crush that had me defending both actor and character for over 18 years, but it seems like after so much time, people are coming to realize that Anakin was actually a genuinely good character - and Hayden a POW of Lucusfilm Ltd. I'm not going to lie, I feel so much validation.

(That may end up being the opening to my post)

So, it looks like I'm going to be busy this fall, with Rachel's A Tolkein Blog Party, Heidi's Lord of The Ring's Read-Along, both in September and now a Star Wars blog party in October.

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