Friday, August 28, 2020

Long-Awaited Tolkein Blog Party Coming (and I'm finally joining)!

Rachel at The Edge of the Precipice is hosting her 8th annual A Tolkein Blog Party. I've been on Blogger for 9 years (10 years next June) and have always wanted join this blog party, but something else always came up. Plus, having not read The Lord of the Rings I didn't think I could contribute anything. However, I've been wanting to review the Peter Jackson films for ages and a blog party is always a decent incentive to finally get those long awaited reviews written. 

Edit: This blog party will be followed up by Heidi's Lord of The Rings Read Along, starting September 28. Finally a good reason to get the series read!


  1. I'm so excited for this, too! It's always a highlight of my year. I'm thrilled you're finally going to be able to join! It'll be a blast. (I'm still trying to decide what I can write . . . decisions, decisions . . . )

    1. I was determined to join this year because it seems like so much fun, but because I never read the books, I felt like I couldn't really participate until now.


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