Monday, January 9, 2023

Musical Aesthetics Answer - January

 If you all guessed Newsies...

You were right!

Newsies has been one of my all time favorite musicals for years and I got to see it on stage last year and it was stunning! One of the best theater productions I had ever seen. Then I watched the 2017 Broadway production on Disney + and I was blown away. So to be honest after seeing the Broadway production twice, I prefer the Broadway version over the 1992 version. I'll go more into that for the upcoming double movie review for both the 1992 film and the Broadway production.

Well done everyone!


  1. The 2017 production is STUNNING. I, too, was blown away. I got to see it in a theater and it was my first time ever watching the show. It was incredible!

    1. I would have loved to see in in theater, but I actually didn't know much about the Newsies musical until last year. A junior theater group put on a remarkable production and after that I was completely sold.

  2. Ahhh I love your Aesthetic collage SO MUCH!!!! The 2017 production is my favorite! Love your series Idea and can't wait to see what next month will bring!

    1. Thank you! I was a big 92' movie fan for years and the Broadway production just took it a step further. I have so many ideas for upcoming aesthetic posts : )


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