Sunday, September 20, 2020

A Tolkein Blog Party 2020 Kick-Off and Giveaway


Hamlette's A Tolkein Blog Party has arrived! Before I start her tag questions, she is also hosting an amazing giveaway that you can find here.

A veritable array of candles, music and art! 
So go and head over to the giveaway to view what she has and enter!

Tag Questions

1. What Tolkien character do you think you're the most like?

- Easy, Pippin definitely. I'm always screwing up and making mistakes, but I'm also a fast learner and when given confidence and opportunity, I can get the job done and done right.

2. What Tolkien character do you wish you were more like?

- Elrond or Bilbo. 

3. What would your dream home in Middle-earth be like?

- Bag End. Enough said. I want to live in Bag End exactly how it was in the films. I even patterned my room to look like Bilbo's study.

4. You get to make a movie of the story of Beren and Luthien! Who do you cast as the leads?

5. Have you ever marathoned the LOTR or Hobbit movies?

- No, but I've been wanting to!

6. Do you have a favorite song or track from the movie soundtracks by Howard Shore?

7. Which of Tolkien's characters would you like to be best friends with?

- Frodo

8. Who of the people in your real life would you want in your company if you had to take the ring to Mordor?

- Probably all my brothers and sisters. Altogether together we make nine.

9. Have you read any of Tolkien's non-Middle-earth works?

- No. Not yet at least.

10. Is there a book by Tolkien you haven't read yet, but want to?

- I haven't read The Lord of the Rings trilogy yet, but I will be starting them after the blog party!


  1. Into the West is so good!! Also I like your casting picks for Beren and Luthien. :)

  2. I'm deciding on my casting choices for the Beren/Luthien question, and I considered Oscar Isaac, too! Love your picks.

    "Into the West" is so beautiful.

    1. Oscar Isaac just has that fantasy look about him, I guess.

  3. That's so cool that you patterned your room to look like Bilbo's study!

    I'm excited for you to start reading LOTR! Are you joining Heidi's read-along that starts next week?

    1. It wasn't hard. Just books all over the place and pictures on the walls. Just a very comfortable room to spend time in.

      I'm excited too! I've had the books for ages and have never gotten around to reading them. Yes, I'm joining Heidi's read-along next week seeing as it was a good incentive to finally get the books read.

    2. Oh boy! That read-along is just going to be such fun. I'm excited to start!

  4. I now 100% want that movie with Oscar Isaac and Jessica Brown-Findlay! That would be marvellous.

    Oh, I forgot about Elrond! I could use some of his qualities.

    I'm so excited that you'll be reading LotR for the first time! Nice answers!

    1. Thank you! They both seem to fit the fantasy couple trope.

      I've always loved Elrond. He was such a noble and respectable man, as well as an excellent father.

      I'm excited too! Thank you! Your answers were excellent as well.


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