Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2024 Tolkien Blog Party

Rachel's annual September Tolkien Blog Party has been announced! 
This is my 5th year attending the party and it's always the highlight of my blogging year.

 Here are my contributions from the previous blog parties
2020 - The Fellowship of the Ring (movie review)
The Two Towers (movie review)
The Return of the King (movie review)

  This year I'm going to do a post about King Thorin

The good, bad and everything in between.
As well as comparing the book character to the movie character.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Inklings Link-Up ~ August

I love the new graphic!

August Inklings is here! I've been super busy these last few months with getting married, moving to our apartment, easing into my job, continuing with book club as well as summer events with Christian and my family. So thank goodness for Inklings to remind me to keep writing.

1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt.

2. Link-back to Heidi's blog with a link to you Inklings prompt.

August Prompt

A scene by the ocean in book or film