Thursday, June 20, 2024

Inklings Link-Up ~ June

Welcome back to the June Inklings Link-up!

1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt.

2. Link-back to Heidi's blog in the comments section with a link to you Inklings prompt.

June Prompt

An archery scene in book or film

The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004)

I don't know if it's a hard fast rule that the selections for Inklings prompts have to be period drama related, but hopefully an exception can be made for this month. I'm getting married in 9 days. And as the focus of PD2 is royal romance, weddings and drama, this archery scene seemed to fit my current state at the moment. Scared, unsure, excited, emotional, everything coming to me all at once and trying to find balance between work, family, wedding and preparing to move into my new home.

Certainly much of that was also on Princess Mia's mind as she was preparing to become Queen of Genovia, but with the added patriarchal twist of having to marry to receive the crown. While Mia manages to get a 'suitable match' with charming, considerate Lord Andrew, there is little time to develop any feelings of genuine love. At the same time, Mia is pursued by roguish Nicholas Devereaux. Their personalities clash with Mia believing he's trying to take the throne away from her (in the beginning that is his intention).

However, as time goes on, they soften toward one another and Nicholas lends a helping hand in giving Mia an archery lesson. Something that is paramount for her to know upon becoming queen to light her own eternal flame. By this point Mia is more conflicted than ever about her choice between love and the crown. Is it worth being queen if someone else must give up their own personal happiness? Isn't that what marriage is though? Sacrificing of one's self. And that's what Mia is willing to do. Not sacrifice someone else's life for the crown, but to brave enough to fight for the crown even if she is fighting by herself. 

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