Saturday, February 11, 2023

Musical Aesthetics Answer - February

If you guessed  
The Phantom of the Opera....
You were wrong!

If you guessed  
Beauty and The Beast....

 You were wrong!

The answer is...

Moulin Rouge! 

Baz Luhrmann's (adult's only) crazy, brilliant, romantic and heartbreaking story of the famed Parisian dance hall in 1899 and the forbidden love between Christian, a poor writer and the beautiful courtesan, Satine.
I figured this one was going to be a little tricky, especially since Moulin Rouge! isn't that popular of a musical either, (however I want to see the stage version with Aaron Tveit so badly) and it is on the adult side as well. I'll go into more detail and opinions about the musical in my upcoming review. Good guesses everyone!



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