After he died and we went through the week of the visitation, the funeral and the constant in and out of sympathy visitors, I simply didn't think it was right to visit my blog. I came back to write my reviews for Hart of Dixie, but that was about it. So anyways, I seriously doubt that my online absence has been a big deal at all, but I've experienced loss of a loved one and so I'm sure that there are definitely people out there that can understand that.
Grieving wise, I've probably done better than anyone else in my family. I didn't do a lot of crying and I was sadder for my family than I was for the actual death for my brother. I simply accepted that he was in a better place and my worrying about him could finally cease. My brother was high functioning autistic, so I was always afraid for him when he was away from home. Society can be so cruel and heartless to the disabled and besides abortion, nothing gets me more fired up and furious than seeing the senseless abuse of the disabled.
So anyways, that's where I've been for the last several months. I'm ready to get back to writing.
Beginning: 2016
All of my New Year's resolutions that I had for 2019...well none of them, I'm not writing about resolutions. The bettering of myself will just come along when I'm not expecting it.
However...I am writing--more like venting--about my general political ideologies. Prior to 2016, I usually steered away from politics, but I've become more comfortable posting about my conservative beliefs, usually surrounding abortion. Both of my pro-life posts that I did last year were very successful and I was glad I was finally able to write out my thoughts and feelings I've had for so long.
2016 was both a good and bad year for me. I graduated from community college, but became lost as to what to do with my life. So when I turned 26, I was very depressed at where my life was going or like wasn't going. Meanwhile, America found itself in possibly the ugliest and bloodiest political races in history. Now, I know that conservatives weren't very well liked in the media, but for the most part I ignored it. Then the now infamous Roast of Rob Lowe in September of 2016 happened and that opened my eyes. In all reality it was the public humiliation of conservative political writer and commentator Ann Coulter that made the headlines.
This whole highly publicized bashing really disturbed me for months. Actually not months, but almost 2 years. That's how bad I was affected at the general hatred geared toward not only toward this women (who I don't particularly like either), but obviously conservatives in general. You can read my post on it -->here<-- This roast came right on the middle of the 2016 presidential election. It was harsh, violent and practically lit up WWIII. Between political veteran and former First Lady Hilary Clinton and America's favorite outspoken billionaire Donald Trump, all of America (and the the rest of the world, incapable of minding their own business) was on edge on who #45 was going to be.
2017: Trump's Election
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President Trump with the formidable duo, Diamond and Silk |
After the successful election of President Trump, the whole world went into utter chaos. All spearheaded by the tantrum throwing liberals that were made up of Hollywood elitists, 3rd wave feminists and liberal indoctrinated schools. Conservatives were being harassed and humiliated. Students were being beaten and thrown off of campuses. Pro-life organizations were being trashed. Conservative speakers were being banned from their own speaking engagements. All of this done in the name of liberal tolerance.
It seems that liberals idea of tolerance is this, 'I will only tolerate you as a person if you accept my beliefs and disregard your own. If I badger and berate and yell and harass you enough, I can wear you down and make you accept what I believe. Your own conservative beliefs are nothing and aren't worthy of any tolerance at all. All that can be tolerated is your understanding and acceptance of my beliefs.'
However, out of that madness I found unexpected solidarity in the conservative movement and I was introduced to some powerful voices that have helped shape and bolden my beliefs.
Candace Owens (who I remember from her YouTube days)
The more I read and listened to these men and women, the stronger I became in what my beliefs were. Now, these people are very diverse in their politics. While they agree on many topics, there are also areas they disagree on. Some of them don't even like each other. It's no secret that Ben Shapiro and Milo Yiannopoulos despise one another, but there is still mutual respect even among their disagreements.
So 2017 became a year of understanding and educating myself on what politics really were, how to deal with the madness of liberals and Hollywood and above all, have a little courage to speak about my beliefs.
2018-2019: Social Media and Society
Lets be honest, Hollywood is the hub of all society. Actors, actresses, musical artists, models, social media stars all have the world at their feet and their words and beliefs can make or break them. The liberal Hollywood elitists came out in full force when Trump was elected. From Meryl Streep to Katy Perry, all of them had no shortage of slander for the new president and even his own family wasn't safe. While the liberal minded population worshiped these supposedly 'woke' celebrities, conservatives held them in disdain. Fair enough.
Unfortunately, because of these Hollywood elitists, now no one in the media is really safe to say anything. Look, actors and actresses are people with careers and to be honest the acting profession is not an easy one. It's not a bad one either. Many actors and actresses are admirable and have done a great deal of good. The constant glare of the public eye must be tiring and wearing. So it's paramount that these celebrities are careful with what they say and how they say it. They have every right to speak their minds and their beliefs.
Where many of them go wrong is when they start to demean and slander all those that disagree with them. Time and again liberal celebrities have spoken out against their conservative audiences, demeaning and belittling them for their beliefs. And due to this uneeded hatred, no celebrity can say anything now, without the constant backlash from the masses. Which is unfortunate to say the least. You can't cut off half of your audience just due to their own personal beliefs when they are the ones funding your career. To be that publicly subjective is dangerous and detrimental. And many celebrities are beginning to suffer because of their inabilities to simply do their jobs and let people think as they please.
Lets look at this from another perspective. People claim that celebrities live in their own bubbles, cut off from reality; with some of them that's true.
Fans also tend to have an unrealistic image of who they want their favorite celebrities to be.
MARVEL actor Sebastian Stan said it perfectly, "Actors didn't set out to be gods, we [fans] made them gods."
And that is an absolute truth. Fans create these physically recognizable, but personally unknown people into their own imaginary heroes. Fans can be just as hateful and vitriolic when their imaginary perceptions turn out to be humans who fall, make mistakes and actually think for themselves. And this comes on both sides of the political spectrum. Conservatives revile a liberal for disagreeing with them, but praise conservative actors for aligning with them.
Tumblr and Instagram especially have created this idea of "cancel culture." Basically if a celebrity's beliefs don't line up 100% with the fans, if they don't say the words we want them to say, support the people we want them to support and just be the heroes we imagine them to be then we just cancel them out.
You can't do that. Celebrities are humans. They are not toys for your entertainment. They have their own lives, their own thoughts, their own ideas and beliefs. You cannot make a flawed and imperfect human your god and then mourn when they turn out to be just like everyone else.
Educating and Culture Clash
If there is one thing of my generation I cannot stand, it's when people say, "I have to educate you" or "it's my job to educate you." No. Just because you speak your own personal beliefs does not automatically designate you as an educator on those beliefs. The person who is listening to you determines whether they are being educated by you or not. To claim that you are educating someone by spouting what you believe is nothing short of narcissistic and arrogant.
Culture has been at the forefront of a lot of my problems. Supposedly the term 'European culture' is a racist and white supremacist term and I shouldn't use it to describe my European background. I as a white woman, whose heritage is German, Irish, Scottish and Swiss should show no pride at all in my European heritage, while also steering away from interest in non-European cultures, because white people culturally appropriate everything.
However, it's perfectly acceptable for other non-European races to engage in European culture. For example, everyone is obsessed with Vikings. The History Channel program Vikings has brought about a worldwide interest in the Danish/Norse culture, which is great. Yet from what I've seen on social media, when an actual Scandinavian makes an account to show pride in his/her Norse roots, they are labeled racist and white supremacist. Meanwhile, someone from South America is perfectly free to write and engage about Viking culture and claim that because they've read a few books, they are completely schooled in Norse culture.
Just because you read some books and learned about the legends, does not make you scholar or educator on someone else's culture. Nor do you demean someone for showing pride in their nationality as well. Respect for culture goes both ways. I have respect for Asian, South American, African and other non-European cultures. Those cultures can show the same respect for Europe.
My culture is not up for grabs. (I got that from YouTube)
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Lagertha might be cool, but she wasn't real either |
And back to Vikings
The show may have taken a few things too far.
Primarily the role of women. While it's true that Norse woman had a few more rights than Saxon women, the show has blown those historical rights out of proportion and instead have made Viking women cultural feminists that align with today's feminists beliefs. Completely wrong and disrespectful.
Now the writers have gone to far with these modern day feminist representations and when they actually portray women as they might have historically been (submissive, homemakers, capable of being raped, beaten and used), the fans throw a fit. Well, I'm sorry, but culture and history does not bend the knee to the whims of modern day feminism. The writers brought that on themselves. It's either you're accurate or you're not.
Ok, that turned out to be great deal more than I expected, but it was a lot that I wanted to get out. Plus I needed a kick to get back into writing. So what does 2020 hold for me?? I have absolutely no idea. I usually have general plans for my life, but since I have a steady job and I'm healthy, I know I'm on the right track for health and success.
I've never had a loss like that, so I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteI always voted, but my parents kept us away from the news, I really only "paid attention" if you could even call it that when election time rolled around. 2016 was an eye-opener and I had a surplus of time and emotion for that year and the next. I've since become both bored and burned out. I've never been really political on my blog but during that time I'm went through anything that could be controversial and delete it, and Istrengthened my position on making it a politics-free zone. I'm going to stay away from politics and the news as much as possible, but since I consider it important to be well-informed I'm going to pick a time once a month to review things and work out filling my excel sheet of all the issues and all sides of the arguments I can come across. I'm also getting noise-cancelling headphones for work, because it's really rattling to have to listen to it at work.
Thank you.
DeleteNormally I steer away from politics on my site too, but this usually the only place where I can just freely open up and vent about all that is going on. Abortion is such a intense issue right now and I just couldn't take anymore pro-abortion/pro-choice ideology that was on the internet. I like to listen to the news, when there is actual news to listen too as well.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother! Losing someone is always hard and nothing anyone says really helps. I'll be praying for you and your family!
ReplyDeleteEverything else you said is so true! Everyone has an opinion and if we could debate these things in a civilized manner without insult and putting people down the world would be a better place.
Thank you so much!
DeleteThat's a relief to know : ) I wish it were that easy, but unfortunately we live in such a narcissistic and selfish society that people only care about having the last word and not actually living out their opinions and beliefs.
I'm so sorry to hear about your brother.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like, while liberals are the majority, there are quite a few conservative bloggers.
I hit the middle ground in terms of political sides. In some ways I seem more liberal, and in some ways I seem more conservative.
Thank you for sharing your opinions.
Thank you.
DeleteWherever you stand politically is your choice, but always be ready to defend what believe and don't be afraid to question why you believe it.
I'm so sorry about your brother, that must be hard! I'll be praying for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you ❤️