Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Lately (with some major fangirling!)

     Well...I hope everyone is having a good summer! I am! After the painful drama of this spring, the relief that I'm feeling right now is incredible! Everything in my life has been good since then (I am driving much more cautiously now!!) and I would like it to stay that way. My blogging has been really good and I've surprised how much I've been able to do. However, many of my posts are either reviews or somehow geared toward movies and books. 

     I want to get back into my regular stories, seeing as I have two really good ones that I want people to read. I sort of left the Cinderella story on a cliffhanger...and my second one, When Morning Comes is becoming more and more of a real deal too. So, hopefully, there will be my own original writings posted up alongside my regular reviews.

      OMG! 4th of July is almost here! As I've mentioned before, July 4th is a big deal in my household. It's also my brother's birthday and so we've always had a reason to celebrate more than most. Every year, my family holds a massive fireworks display in the backyard and most of the neighborhood comes out to watch. My brother's don't skimp on fireworks either. Every spring they had to South of The Border and load up on almost $400 worth of explosives. So people had better show up!

Ok, now on to a little bit of fangirling!

     I don't think I've ever mentioned this amazing show on here, but if you want a mystery series with great characters, storylines, humor and romance all set in the late Victorian era, then I highly recommend Murdoch Mysteries. The show has been running since 2008 and they're filming their 13th and final season now. I've been watching the show since season 3 and I love it! 

     I may do a general review of the series eventually, but I should probably see season 1-3 first. My mom and I are almost done with season 11, which is kind of sad because there is a new character that has been introduced and that I may be somewhat in love with now...

     Detective Llewellyn Watts was introduced in season 10 as a rather zany and out of the box character. He doesn't really relate with the rest of the world, but as you delve deeper into his story, you begin to understand why he is the way that he is. Cookiness set aside, Watts has a very generous and good natured personality and shows immense kindness to others, especially people that are deeply hurt or lost. 

     Watts was only in a couple of episodes, so when he left, I was thinking, "He was kind of weird, but really sweet too." However, in the final episode of season 10, everything has gone to hell in a hand basket. Just when William Murdoch thinks that there is no possible hope for him and his loved ones, lo and hold behold in the last five seconds the most unlikely person appears. Detective Watts offers his assistance to Murdoch and ends up saving him, his friends and possibly Canada. I was in love from that moment on.

     Personality set aside, there is no denying that he is absolutely adorable! No, he is definitely handsome in a very classic sort of way. It's just so hard not to love him or fall in love with him, however you may want to view it.

    He may have been a long time coming, but Detective Llewellyn Watts is an wonderful addition to the show. I've heard that his character is developed more in season 12 and I'm so excited!

     Ok, so now I finally have that out of my system...

Have a good summer everyone!


  1. Isn't it lovely to be in the midst of a new "phase" with a book or movie or show or what have you, and it just keeps getting better? *sigh*

    Glad you're doing better now!

    1. It's totally awesome! Yet, it's the waiting that's so terrible.

      I am doing so much better! Thanks!

  2. I've seen a couple episodes. It's a good show!

    1. It's a long series too. They are filming the 13th and final season right now.


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