Thursday, June 20, 2019

Do Other Bloggers...

1.) Enjoy reading through the archives of other blogs?

2.) Find design inspiration from different blogs?

3.) Feel that if they don't post every week, their blog is just going to crash?

4.) Spend hours working on a header or layout design?

5.) Edit their posts 5 or 6 times after they've published it?

6.) Always put off responding to comments?

7.) Get embarrassed when they get into a fandom and start posting too much about it?

8.) Feel competitive when it comes to writing book and/or movie reviews?

9.) Think that Facebook and other social media platforms are an insult to writing and creativity?

10.) Feel a a great sense of satisfaction when they publish a post?


  1. In a word: Yes. Yes to all (except, in my case, #9 and soooort of #3). :-P

    I'm so grateful for the blogging world, and for all the lovely bloggers in it. <3

    1. Blogging seems to be my only sanity at times! And I also appreciate all the bloggers I've met!

  2. Yes to everything!!! I'm glad I'm not the only one!!

  3. *nods* *nods some more*

    I do every single one of these things! I always feel a little like a stalker when I read through peoples archives so I'm glad I'm not the only one! ;) Also, I edit my posts soooo much after I post them! ;P

    1. I love reading through people's old posts and seeing how far they've come in their writing. I've also gotten a lot of inspiration from other people's blog posts as well.

      I know?! Why can't we spot the mistake before we hit publish??

  4. All of these! Especially the fandom one. XD

    1. It's so hard not to get too deep into fandoms and then think, "Are the readers getting annoyed with all this??" Personally, I don't mind. This is my realm where I can fangirl all I want and not get looked down on.


Thank you for your comments : )

I love getting comments, long or short, whether you agree with me or not. .

Just be kind. I don't tolerate any rudeness at all. So just be careful with what you write and how you write it.