Monday, September 18, 2023

A Tolkien Blog Party 2023 - Kick off Tag and Giveaway


A Tolkien Blog Party has officially arrived!!!


Here's the guidelines for the party:

  1. your post must be related to Tolkien and his creations somehow, 
  2. your post should contain a link back to this post so people can find the party and join the fun, and
  3. your post needs to be respectful and family-friendly. This is a celebration, so please don't contribute any rants or whiny posts.

Now the Giveaways!

Click here to enter for Rachel's amazing giveaways!
And finally, the Kick off Tag! 
Rohan or Gondor?

Rivendell or Lothlorien?
Erebor or Moria?

Bilbo or Frodo?

Merry or Pippin?

Galadriel or Elrond?
Eomer or Faramir?

Fili or Kili?
Bard or Beorn?
Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White?



  1. This is such a neat way to answer the questions! No unnecessary palaver, just a wealth of eye candy. :D

  2. Well, I think you win the award for Coolest Tag Answer Post this year! I love this!


Thank you for your comments : )

I love getting comments, long or short, whether you agree with me or not. .

Just be kind. I don't tolerate any rudeness at all. So just be careful with what you write and how you write it.