Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Guess the Musical Aesthetics - February


Good luck!

The answer will be posted on Saturday!

 For some reason the comment moderation isn't working when I'm signed in. 

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  1. Assuming (tentatively) that this is The Phantom of the Opera? *much hesitancy*

    1. Assuming, tentatively, hesitancy...You do take this seriously! However no!

  2. Goodness, this is a hard one! The green gem/broach is really throwing me off track so you are great at making these. It's another gorgeous aesthetic! I'm waffling between PotO and Beauty and the Beast. I'm going to settle down and guess Beauty and the Beast because the top left corner screams Be Our Guest. And the rose! And the typewriter is maybe talking about adventure in the great wide somewhere...

    1. It's actually a fairy wing and if you see the musical it makes much more sense. It is neither The Phantom of the Opera or Beauty and The Beast. I would have never thought of Beauty and The Beast as an answer! However your deductions were spot on it it had been : )

      Thank you! I love making them!

  3. Beauty and the Beast? Or maybe....maybe Phantom of the Opera???

    I love your post series, by the way, what an awesome idea!!

    1. Unfortunately neither, but good guesses! Thank you so much!


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