Saturday, June 1, 2019

Some Thoughts on the Star Wars Prequels

I.) Defending Anakin Skywalker (and Hayden Christensen)

After years of defending the Star Wars prequels and Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker. I feel so much validation after watching this video! What totally surprised me the most were the comments of the people who agree. Many of them were saying that they loved the prequels, that they loved Hayden as Anakin and the main problem was George Lucas and his writing, not Hayden and his acting. This video is gold and makes my heart happy!

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II.) Understanding young Obi-Wan

I love this exchange because it shows that Obi-Wan is just as annoyed by Jar Jar as the general fandom–meaning that Qui-Gon and Padme have been polite and patient with the well-meaning but excitable charge who has been a nuisance throughout this roadtrip. Maybe a maxed-out diplomat and a wise warrior monk can casually adapt to a rogue group of misfits, but to the Padawan who is here to Learn and Follow the Rules and Gain Experience? This is the last straw.
To say nothing of the fact that his master made him stay at the ship while he went into the town–and now he’s coming back with another person who is going to demand his attention. Obi-Wan signed up for this internship and has put up with Qui-Gon’s Jinning for years, but now when things finally get super-interesting with armies of droids and battleships and monsters and desperate landings in the heart of gangster space, Qui-Gon just goes and starts devoting time to a frogman and a child. 
The point is, Obi-Wan needs his attention–I mean, is definitely not attached to his mentor. 

From: Swan2Swan
(Source: padawanlost)
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III.) The Parade Theme from Episode I

Still the most epic piece of music in the Star Wars franchise!

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IV.) Mullet

I'm 'the momfriend' every single time.

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V.) Anakin and Obi-Wan had the best relationship

I mean seriously.

They went from master/padawan 
protective big brother/adoring little brother
loving father/lost son.

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VI.) The Original is better means...

Mama can work the cinnamon rolls and not have her brother as her first love interest


  1. The first time I watched the prequels I hated them, but when I rewatched them this year I liked them. I mean, the originals will always be my favorite, but I can tell why these are other people's favorites. I agree, I don't think the fault is with any of the actors, but I just don't like the way George Lucas wrote it. I also can't watch these a lot, because I get so incredibly sad!! That's one of the reason I'm not a huge fan of backstory. :)

    1. I grew up with the prequels and so they're a part of my childhood. I have a lot a good memories watching the movies with my siblings. Backstory films are some of my favorites because I love knowing how it all got started. And even though the story is sad, it's simply preparing for the happy ending.

  2. I feel like my opinions on the prequels change every time I watch them, so I really don't know how I feel, except that I know that there are things I do like about them! Padme, for example, is one of my favorite Star Wars characters. And I like Obi-Wan, though he definitely did make some mistakes (ahem).

    On Hayden . . . I truly don't know how I feel! Sometimes I like him and sometimes I don't. I wonder if part of the reason people dislike him/the reason I don't always like his acting is the voice that he chose to do for Anakin? Because it sounds SO fakey. But I like the thoughts that the maker of that video put forward; definitely gives one something to chew on!

    Aww, that parade theme was happy. <3 :)

    Fun post! (Also the first gif was adorable and I like the chart pic of Obi-Wan too.)

    "doesn't need to have her brother as her first love interest" XD XD

    1. The prequels just hold a lot of happy memories for me. My siblings and I went out and saw all the movies in theaters. Episode II especially was memorable because we saw it when we were at Myrtle Beach.

      At 12 and 15 years old I didn't really care about Hayden's acting, I just thought he was beautiful to look at! And then when I rewatched the series, I felt that he was very held back in his performance. He was too restricted in a lot of ways. However, watching the video definitely made it so understandable now.


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