Sunday, January 26, 2025

Inklings 2025 ~ January

First Inklings of 2025!

1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt.

2. Link-back to Heidi's blog with a link to you Inklings prompt.

January's Prompt

A scene at sunrise

I decided to start this 2025 Inklings with some humor. This scene from the BBC series The Musketeers featuring King Louis XIII was just too good to pass up for the prompt. 


  1. I hate to admit that this is usually how I feel about waking up, too. XD But when I do see the sunrise I'm always amazed by how lovely it is! Anyway, fun choice for a scene! I feel like The Musketeers would be right up my alley.

    1. In some of my jobs I've seen some beautiful sunrises, but I certainly wouldn't wake up just to see one. Musketeers in excellent! I highly suggest it!

  2. I have a night owl for a brother, and he would completely agree with this, lol!

    1. I mean it's better than getting up in the middle of the night


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