Monday, August 19, 2024

Inklings Link-Up ~ August

I love the new graphic!

August Inklings is here! I've been super busy these last few months with getting married, moving to our apartment, easing into my job, continuing with book club as well as summer events with Christian and my family. So thank goodness for Inklings to remind me to keep writing.

1. At any time during the month, on your own blog post a scene from a book or film that matches the prompt.

2. Link-back to Heidi's blog with a link to you Inklings prompt.

August Prompt

A scene by the ocean in book or film 


The Chosen: Season 3

While The Chosen has had some extraordinary moments, one of the most anticipated, beautiful and heartbreaking was Simon's test of faith when he walked on water to meet Jesus. While Simon has been one of Jesus' most faithful followers, his faith in general has been shaky. Eden, his loving wife, has been by his side seeing both the best and worst, but always believing in God's plan for him and their marriage 

In season 3 Simon and Eden's lives are changed when Eden reveals that she had a miscarriage while Simon was traveling. Even worse is that Eden may be unable to have anymore children due to the physical damage done to her body. Simon is angry at himself, at God, at the world and his faith is torn. Eden's heat breaks not only for herself, but also for her husband who begins to fear and doubt his beliefs and his faithfulness to Jesus. 

During the famous story of Jesus walking on the water during the storm, Simon gets out of the boat to challenge Jesus with his anger, his fear and disappointment. At the same time Eden takes part in a religious bathing ceremony, the Mikveh which was a purification ritual done after monthly periods and giving birth. As Simon is pulled under the waves by his doubt in Christ, Eden plunges under the water praying for God to heal her husband and to not let him go. Simon is indeed rescued by Christ, his anger and fear forgiven and Eden returns home knowing that her husband and his faith have been saved.


  1. This is such a beautiful scene!! I’m so glad you chose it. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oooh what a lovely post! Greetings by the way ☺️
    ~ Miss Evelyn


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