Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Sherlock Blog Party: The Tag of Ten

Head over to Thunderbird Queen for the blog party rules!

~ A Tag of Ten ~

Would You Rather....

1. Spend a day with Sherlock or John?

- Sherlock. With John I would have to be polite, because I couldn't bear hurting his feelings (or anyone else), however, I could have a good snark fest with Sherlock and feel no guilt at all. 

2. Watch the first episode or last episode?

- The first one. Everything was simpler and just getting started. Our characters still had to grow and learn and understand. The last one was really good, but I hated Eurus, and Sherlock's family keeping her a secret from him was so damaging for all of them. They owed their son the truth.

3. Have Sherlock's mind or John's compassion?

- Compassion always wins out in the end. Sherlock's mind was incredible, but ultimately very damaged and that damage caused a great deal of problems with the society he lived in. The trauma that Sherlock faced in his early life caused him to retreat to the only place he knew he was safe and that was his mind. So he honed his abilities of deduction to push out his trauma and by doing so made himself unapproachable and cut off. He was brilliant, but his brilliance and inability to understand people around him is what made him so unlikable to many and basically an outsider.  

John's compassion however is what won him the so much love and admiration. It's why so many people depended on him, because they knew he would be there. But he didn't allow his compassion to be taken advantage of either.

4. Work with Molly or Lestrade?

- Lestrade definitely. He was such a great guy. I can't stand Molly.

5. Face off against Moriarty or Magnussen?

- Moriarty. While Moriarty might have been devious, he didn't have the extreme intelligence that Magnussen had. That was why the only way to end Magnussen was to kill him. And even though Moriarty killed himself, Sherlock manged to clear his name by bringing down Moriarty's network and therefore, defeating Moriarty once and for all.

6. Be best friends with Molly or Mary?

- Mary. She was fascinating with such a intense background, but also very understanding. Like I said, I can't stand Molly Hooper. I have a problem with women who are forever pining for someone who clearly isn't interested in them. Sherlock wasn't right for Molly, but they kept on making this Eponine/Marius love soap opera between the two of them that just ruined the character.

7. Prevent the events of The Reichenbach Fall or The Six Thatchers?

- The Six Thatchers. Mary didn't need to die at all, even though it provided some great story context for our lead characters. Mary was the most well written woman in the show and really stood out against the other badly written female characters (Molly Hooper, Irene Adler, Sally Donavan, Eurus Holmes).

8. Deal with a grumpy Sherlock or a grumpy Mycroft?

- Mycroft. He doesn't really get grumpy because he knows how to handle his emotions so well. Unlike his brother...

9. Ride in Mrs. Hudson's car or Mycroft's helicopter?

- Mycroft's helicopter!

10. Babysit Rosie or help plan the Watson wedding?

- Babysit Rosie!! I love babysitting and that's how I got my start in childcare! Wedding planning...not my thing at all.

Bonus: Which version of "Sherlock Lives" scenarios would you choose to make canon?

- Probably the one he explained to Anderson. I kind of got lost in the midst of all the scenarios.


  1. Great answers! Compassion really is better than a brilliant mind in the long run.

  2. That is such a good point about Sherlock's mind! I hadn't thought of it that way.

    1. Thank you! There’s so much to him and his mind that can’t be summed up in a few paragraphs.


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