Wow! Kristen Stewart as >>>Snow White<<< ? At first I was like...what? Yeah right, really bad choice, but this pic might give her the benefit of the doubt. I think she looks quite pretty with longer darker hair.
Now I have no idea if this is going to follow the actual fairy tale or it it's just another modern day spoof. Although, I can see some similarities between the well loved fairy tale and the hopeless wannabe (Twilight).
1. There is an apple theme going on.
Was that mean?
Anyway, I really am getting interested in this new Snow White film and good luck to Kristen! I think she'll do very well...and you are totally working those long black locks : )
Hm! I'd be interested in seeing how far (or how closely) this comes to the original fairy tale. I'm not a fan of Kristen Stewart but seeing as Chris Hemsworth is going to be in it...